Keep the Water Flowing
Half of America, nearly 170 million people are dealing with winter storms this week, from icy roads, to power outages, to dangerously low temperatures. For many in the Southeast, it’s been days of rain, with more in the forecast. We’ve seen enough water for a while, but in case you didn’t know, the water business is big business. Just ask
US Hydrations, one of the largest players in the premier beverage manufacturing business. Founded in 1996 as Nature’s Way Purewater Systems, it was bottled and delivered as natural spring water. Since 2000, the company has expanded its manufacturing business with new ownership in Pittston, Pennsylvania. Jon Hummel with US Hydrations needed a motor to keep the water flowing, so off to Pennsylvania we drove with a motor on board. Piedmont Delivery Service can always be counted on when you need a delivery ASAP. We arrived at 4:27am. We call that The Piedmont Difference!
Stay safe and as always my best to you,
Eddie Eubanks
Piedmont Delivery Service, LLC