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Sweet Potato Love

If eating healthy is on your to-do list this year, one way to boost those nutritionally good foods is to include sweet potatoes in your diet. Sweet potatoes are packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C, potassium, and magnesium. Studies even show that the antioxidants found in sweet potatoes may help protect against certain types of cancer, such as colon and lung cancer. So no surprise when a bunch of sweet potato farmers got together and formed Trinity Frozen Foods. They create, custom build, and supply frozen sweet potato products to food distributors and grocery stores, specifically sweet potato fries. Raeford Fennell reached out to Piedmont Delivery Service, needing a motor, and our driver rushed it to him on a busy Friday afternoon. We pulled up to the plant in Pembroke, North Carolina, at 6:00 p.m. Keeping our customers happy with professional, same-day deliveries is what we do best. We call it The Piedmont Difference!

All My Best,

Eddie Eubanks


Piedmont Delivery Service, LLC



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