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Two for the Road

It all started in the 1980s. That’s when a new type of building material called Metl-Span was developed to be used primarily in the commercial-grade roofing industry. One of Nucor’s Metl-Span manufacturing facilities is located in Prince George, Virginia. That’s where Jeff Carper needed some help in the delivery of parts on two separate days. The first delivery went out on a Thursday, and we drove up to the plant with the delivery and arrived at 10:00 p.m. The second delivery was scheduled the same week, a day later on Saturday morning at 7:00 a.m. Personalizing each customer to their specific needs in our promise of same-day delivery is one of our strengths at Piedmont Delivery Service. We call it The Piedmont Difference!

All My Best,

Eddie Eubanks


Piedmont Delivery Service, LLC


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